Christmas Eve Countdown

Monday, May 10, 2010

Technology is a Byte

It is nigh on to impossible to survive without technology these days. Especially if you want to stay one step ahead of the elves. Recently, I purchased a new cell phone. My old one stubbornly refused to work correctly anymore. Normally I would have an elf take care of purchasing the phone for me, but decided to brave it myself. That was my first mistake. The second was deluding myself into thinking I would easily to complete the transaction over the phone. I think when I called the 800 number, the destination was Pakistan, because the sales agent sounded like Indira Gandhi on steroids. I only understood every other word. "How can I be of service," she intoned. "I would like buy a new cell phone," I replied.

"Sir, let me tell you about our new line of life management mobiles."

"Just a cell phone please!" Ignoring me she trudged on and told me about blackberrys, cameras, megabytes and gigabytes.

"I had a case of megabytes once," I said trying to inject some humor, "it was really unpleasant!"
My attempt at humor was lost on her. "Excuse, me," she demanded.

"I just want a cell phone so I can make calls!"

"With the 2001i you can not only make calls, you can text, and also interface with your Twitter and Facebook, and take pictures."

"I have elves for all that." She had no response to any of my humorous interjections. "Is it against the law to laugh where you live?"

"I don't understand, sir."

"Neither do I. It's all Greek to me!"

"I'm sure you could use your device in Greece if you wanted to." Sigh...

"So, can I make calls on the 2001i?


"Good. Here's my card number. Wrap the **!!## thing up and send it!"

It's no mean feat to make Santa swear, but she succeeded! Megabytes indeed!

Anyhow, that's how Santa sees it!

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