My father sat me down one time when I was in college and said, "I don't care what you choose for a career. Sell peanuts if you want to, just be the best peanut seller there is." Dad has always been very smart, especially about every day matters.
The pursuit of excellence and the desire to progress is a divine spark the lies deep inside of us. There's a reason there's an MVP, a valedictorian, and first place ribbon winners. If I have to have a medical procedure I want the guy who was the top of his class to do it, not someone who just squeaked by.
That's what is so distasteful about political correctness; the attitude of nobody gets ahead until everybody else does. The mentality of everyone on the team getting a trophy just for showing up is ridiculous and only serves to stifle creativity and success, and most of all excellence. If the elves here at the North pole were not allowed freedom to use their own initiative and ingenuity, we'd be stuck in a time warp still manufacturing 19th century toys. The pursuit of excellence without government, corporate, or other hindrance is the only way for us to progress as a people and economically.
Anyhow, that's how Santa see's it!
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