Christmas Eve Countdown

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Art Linkletter

Art Linkletter was perhaps one of the greatest ambassadors of good will the world has ever known. He was a real example of a life lived fully and joyously despite set backs and tragedies. His 74-year marriage to his wife Lois speaks to his loyalty and love of family and of his God. Linkletter, the host of "People Are Funny" and "House Party" of the 1950s and '60s died Wednesday, May 26, at his home in the Bel-Air section of Los Angeles. He was 97.
Art Linkletter, was a television pioneer with an infectious enthusiasm for life. He made millions of people laugh by getting kids to say the darndest things. He was also a crusader against garbage being broadcast over the airwaves, and once said of Jerry Springer, "Springer is the absolute bottom of the sewer. He goes looking for everything that's dysfunctional, crude, emotionally upsetting." Amen on that one, Art!
I had the honor of meeting Art and Lois Linkletter at a Christmas party in December 2006 at the home of Ambassador Glen Holden in Bel-Air. I was there in my capacity as Santa Claus. When he and Lois sat next to me for a picture, I said, "I've been a fan of yours for I don't want to tell you how long!" He came back with, "You weren't one of my kids (referring to his t.v. show), were you?" "No," I answered. He sighed, then replied, "Good!" That memory will always make me smile and chuckle a bit.
His son-in-law, Art Hershey said of him, "He lived a long, full, pure life, and the Lord had need for him." Would that all of us could have a similar epitaph when we depart this life! Rest in peace, Art. If anyone deserves a rest, it's you!

Anyhow, that's how Santa sees it!

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