Christmas Eve Countdown

Thursday, June 10, 2010

the Fetching Missus

One of my favorite scenes from old movies is when Gary Cooper, as Lou Gehrig, steps to microphone on the baseball field and tells everyone he is the luckiest man alive. Well, I feel exactly the same way when I think about how fortunate I am to be married to Mrs. Claus (aka Andrea Steele). The absolute happiest day of my life was 7 November 1992. That's the day we said, "I do."Missus works tirelessly to make our house a home and to make life more comfortable for me here at the North Pole. And, trust me, she's not someone you mess with, either. She doesn't take any crap from anybody, not even me! I love that about her. She is courageous, hard-working, talented, patient (you'd have to be to put with me), and righteous through and through. I don't know what I ever did to deserve her, but I thank God everyday that she is mine.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has an Article of Faith which says in part, "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; ...If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." The preceding describes my Andrea much more eloquently than I ever could. She definitely comes from good stock!
I wish that I could say that I was deserving of her, but that is not the case. I definitely married up. My gratitude for her acceptance of me is unending. I only pray at the end of my life I can stand before The Deity and report that I am half as remarkable as she is.
On top of all of this Mrs. Claus is one fabulous cook. Myself and elves, Nathan and Matthew have missed that of late, since she is out of town visiting her sister. Let's just say that my culinary skills leave more than a little something to be desired. I frequently ask her, "Is there anything to eat?" She will generally answer, "Let me see," as she surveys the pantry in need of a trip to the grocers. I am convinced she make a meal out of nothing. I bet if I gave her a load of grass clippings she would turn it into something very edible.

And, one of the best things is, we literally do get to make beautiful music together. She has a rich, wonderful contralto voice and plays a mean guitar. Both of us have been professional singers most of our adult lives, so our getting together was a perfect musical melding. She has refrained from smashing me over the head with her guitar on those times when I get the notes wrong. I do so appreciate that.!

There's little more I can say here except to reiterate that she's the best of the best and I am pretty d#!%ed lucky!
Anyhow, that's how Santa sees it!


  1. I miss you two! Come up and visit! The Mendocino Music Festival is in July!

  2. Great post, Joe! Andrea really is a remarkable lady! I'm so glad that you two found each other and are so happy!
