Christmas Eve Countdown

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Times and Seasons

Why is Christmas just like a day at the office?
You do all the work and the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit.

I cannot believe how quickly 2010 is just whizzing by. It's already mid August and I can already smell the holiday season in the air; almost time to break out the Christmas music. I know how abhorrent that is to most of you at this point, but when you're Santa Claus that's what you do! I have already accepted a contract to be Santa at the Los Angeles Zoo for their Reindeer Roundup which starts the day after Thanksgiving. If you're in the area during the holiday season, stop by and get a picture with me.

The thing I look forward to most is hearing what the kids have to say. It is endlessly entertaining; sometimes heartbreaking, or even annoying, but certainly never boring.

If you sit back and think about it, making a living portraying a mythical character feels almost like you're perpetrating a falsehood. But, when a child climbs onto my knee with wide-eyed wonder on his face, and gives me a hug and says, "I love you, Santa," it is pure magic and any tinge of guilt I may feel vanishes. The Santa myth is wonderful part of childhood I think. I am sure there are many politically correct; the ones who celebrate Winter Solstice, not Christmas, and never use the phrase, "Merry Christmas, who would disagree. I feel sorry for them to a certain extent, because they are missing all the true joy of the season which Santa Claus is a part.

I applaud the parents who allow their children to have a childhood, and who make Santa a part of that childhood for them, because all too soon like Scarlett, Tara, and Rhett Butler, it's gone with the wind. Time is way too fleeting, and I personally think it's important to create some magic in a child's life when he is small. Santa Claus and Christmas time is some of the best magic of all.

Anyhow, that's how Santa sees it!

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